Sunday mornings at 6:00am you can listen to Radio Health Journal to get the latest scoop on what’s trending in health, science and technology, and the intersection of medicine and public policy. Each week we speak with leading experts to break down the complex medical jargon and report on a timely topic. Did you know ecstasy could help to cure PTSD? What does “Medicare for All” really mean? These subjects and more with two stories weekly, plus Medical Notes – a short recap of the top medical headlines in the news.
Following RHJ every Sunday morning at 6:30am is Viewpoints Radio. Each week they report on social issues, the environment, history, food – you name it. What’s it like to give birth in prison? Could the plague resurface with climate change? How has politics been permanently reshaped by the Trump era? Candid stories on topics you should know, plus Culture Crash – a three-minute recap on a timely topic in media to keep you up-to-date on all things music, TV and film.